Friday, August 29, 2014

New Testimonial From The Dog World's Biggest Species

I met for breakfast with Don Church of C & C Systems which formulates and manufactures numerous cleaning products for household and industrial uses.  He put a Great Dane on our product that was obtained from a rescue network and he told the foster parent that, "This dog, from what I see will never get up to an acceptable level.  A few months later, this dog looks great and it's health problems, especially of which is being in a "skin and bone" situation is concerned.
Now, one of the biggest maladies of large dogs, irregardless of condition, is "arthritis and hip dysplasia" which affects approximately 70% of Great Danes
This canine that was so emaciated that Don legitimately believed that euthanasia was the only alternative because of its' condition and skeletal health.  Build A Better Dog proved that to be wrong and now we have a beautiful and healthy specimen of health and well-being.

These pictures are not of the actual canine involved but of specimens of Great Danes

I just don't know how you can find a more beautiful and a more proud 
example of a species that is a national asset.

Pray For Harley, thank Donna for her great work.

Harley, at 14 years, is old and nearly deaf, but her sight is still good.  I had been giving her another Glucosomine and Chondroitin supplement but it got so expensive.  After six days on Triad Performance Supplement, my son went to the barn with Harley to feed the mule and the chickens.  He came back and said that Harley was playing with the tennis balls and chasing the chickens again.  He asked if he could have some of Harley's supplement on his cereal in the morning.
909 Harley by door
By the way, Donna is a tireless worker and supporter for Wilkes County's dedication to animal welfare.
Want the same results, check out Build A Better Dog  and give your dog some blessed relief.